Founding Member, Directors Named at Annual Meetings

The Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation held a cocktail reception April 11 to honor the Medical Center’s generous supporters and recognize one special Founder for his outstanding contribution to the Medical Center.
This year’s Founder Member Award went to Patrick P. Lee, pictured at right with Adelaide Skoglund, Chairman of the Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation.
“If ever there is a friend in need, Patrick is truly a friend in deed,” Skoglund said. “Certainly Mr. Lee has been such a friend to the Medical Center. He has served as past Chairman of the Medical Center, the Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation and too many committees to list. He has given selflessly of his time and is always ready to give a helping hand. The Medical Center is so very fortunate for such a dedicated supporter.”
More than 600 members of the Ocean Reef and Anglers clubs have supported the Foundation with their generous donations to the Founding Member program.
Also on April 11, the Foundation and Medical Center held their annual meetings and board elections.
Director Ken Karl was elected Chairman of the Medical Center. Tim Brammer was elected Treasurer and George Aronoff was elected Secretary.
Adelaide Skoglund was re-elected Chairman of the Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation; Tom Davidson and Dan Harding were elected Vice Chairmen, Dominic Di Napoli was elected Treasurer and Chris Fisher was elected Secretary. The Foundation welcomed newly elected Director Dr. David Desmond to its board.
Community members who actively participate are a tradition at Ocean Reef. The generous spirit of Ocean Reef and Anglers club members volunteering to help so many organizations is, in part, what makes the Ocean Reef Community such a successful and wonderful place to live.
Many thanks to all of the individuals who support and volunteer their time to help make the Medical Center the outstanding organization that it is. For more information about the Ocean Reef Foundation and the Founder’s Society, click here.