Here’s Your Summer Health Checklist

Whether you’re planning to stay at the Reef into the early summer months or leaving soon, here are a few health-conscious items to check off on your to-do list.

Automatic Pharmacy Refills

Please give new instructions to Public Safety for your automatically refilled pharmacy prescriptions that are picked up from a Key Largo pharmacy. Once picked up by Public Safety they cannot be returned or refilled by another pharmacy. This could leave you in a dilemma, especially when it’s a critically needed medication. So before leaving the Reef, please call your pharmacy of choice and tell them your new address for prescription delivery or, in the event they cannot be mailed, discontinue delivery to Public Safety. The Medical Center can support your off-season prescription needs by electronic communication with your preferred pharmacy.

Travel Planning

If you are planning to travel abroad, be sure that you have the proper inoculations and that you carry the certificate showing your inoculations to avoid delays. A good resource is the Centers for Disease Control website. It’s also a good practice to make a list of your current medications and keep it in your wallet. This information could prove critical if an incident occurs while traveling. If you are unsure about your current medications, please contact your Medical Center physician.

A Golf Cart Ride Away

It’s a generally accepted practice that having a routine annual physical is good preventive health care! Medicare will pay for an annual physical in your first participation year. Many other health plans will typically cover a routine annual examination. Why not schedule an appointment before you leave the Reef, where appointments are without delay and it’s convenient?

Medical Center Summer Hours
To meet the needs of the Ocean Reef community, your Medical Center is open and fully staffed all summer. This includes all departments: lab, diagnostics and primary care. The physical therapy and sports medicine department will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays beginning June 1st. In the event you are planning a surgery we can accommodate most post-operative physical therapy. For your convenience, Medical Center summer hours are posted below. They’re also listed in the right-hand column on this website’s home page.

(June 1 to September 30)
8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Saturday
Physical Therapy: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Some of our visiting specialists will continue seeing patients at the Medical Center throughout the summer months. For their current monthly schedules, please check the Appointments page or contact Pam Zimmerman directly at 305-367-6702.