Day Clinic Convenience

Cold and flu season hasn’t left us yet and those pesky viruses are still lurking about. The Medical Center offers a Day Clinic for patients who may not be able to see their regular primary care physician right away due to full schedules, or urgent appointments that must take precedence.

The Day Clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is directed by full-time provider Jennifer Perez, A.P.R.N. She has an extensive background as an emergency room nurse that includes four years at Mariners Hospital and three years at Mercy Hospital.

Sergio Jorganes, R.N., works and supports Jennifer Perez in the Day Clinic. Sergio comes to us from Kendall Regional Medical Center with extensive experience as a paramedic and trauma-trained emergency room nurse.

You can feel confident in receiving timely and excellent care from both of these knowledgeable practitioners.

Simply call the front desk line at 305-367-2600 and ask for an appointment with the Day Clinic.

Mark your calendar for the next Medical Center Lecture Series presentation on Feb. 18 when Johns Hopkins presents:
“Strong Foundations: Understanding, Preventing And Treating Osteoporosis.”