New: Specialization of Chiropractic Services

The Medical Center is pleased to announce that Dr. Hobie Furshman has joined the Medical Center as a visiting specialist. Dr. Furshman is a South Florida native and a 1988 graduate of the University of Miami. Dr. Furshman and his wife, Dr. Maureen Davis, have been practicing upper cervical principled care for over 30 years. Their care is specialization of Chiropractic. Therefore they guide their patients on better choices to more quickly overcome health obstacles.

Chiropractic is an ever-evolving field, presenting opportunities for new types of chiropractors to emerge. For example, more patients are turning to chiropractic specialties for treating chronic conditions such as headaches, migraines and back pain. The emergence of new chiropractic specialties reflects the field’s adaptability to meet the evolving healthcare needs of patients. Essentially, they work on balancing brain-body communication. Upon balance correction or adjustment, the body begins to better recognize and correct disease and injury.

Dr. Furshman’s process is through activator correction, a non-manipulation technique. The care is non-invasive and has proven to be a safe form of healthcare. His practice encompasses newborns, pregnancies, high-tier athletes, weekend warriors and even patients in their 90s. His patients have seen remarkable improvements in ailments such as autoimmune disease, spinal stenosis, disc herniations, lingering vertigo and vertigo prevention.

Dr. Furshman sees patients at the Center every other Friday with limited availability. Call 305-668-9545 to make an appointment. No referrals are necessary, and he is an open access Medicare provider.

To learn more, please visit Furshman and Davis Family Chiropractic Centers or visit Dr. Furshman’s Visiting Specialists page.