A Story of Compassion and Gratitude

The Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation is grateful to the many families and individuals who support the Medical Center in so many ways. There is one story in particular that stands out as a testimony to the Medical Center’s compassion for their patients.
Phyllis Dalia wanted to spend the last days of her life at her beloved Ocean Reef. Her husband Peter passed away in 2013 and she had no remaining relatives.
The Dalias had a relationship with the Medical Center for many years, and Phyllis’ caregiver and friend reached out to the Center and asked if they might assist Phyllis. The team at the Medical Center coordinated the delivery of a hospital bed that was lifted by a crane into her third-floor condo.
Dr. Manny Torres and nurse Kristina Rosu paid frequent home visits to attend to any issues and ensure her comfort. Phyllis was so moved by their care that she modified her estate plan to include the Medical Center Foundation.
Sadly, Phyllis passed away in December. However, her legacy will live on as she will continue to support the good work of our Medical Center. When her estate settled, the Medical Center Foundation received her inspirational bequest of $750,000.
The Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation is thankful for the trust that 12 families, through planned gifts such as bequests, charitable trusts and life insurance policies, have shown by joining the Living Legacy Society.
Our sincere thanks to the following individuals:
- Gay Cummings
- Valerie and Bernard Daenzer
- Phyllis and Peter Dalia
- Karen and John Fennessey
- Joan and Douglas Gross
- Dollie and Shelden Jospey
- Allen Krowe
- Ruth and Leonard Perfido
- Dori and Rollin Reiter
- Mary Wattis
- Ruth and Theodore Wilbert
The legacies of these bequests ensure that there is a continuum of support for a future that keeps our Medical Center at the forefront of patient care. Please consider having your legacy live on for future generations to come. Please contact Keith Young at 305-367-6750 or Jennifer Rigby at 305-367-6707 to discuss giving opportunities.