A Grand Turnout for the 42nd-Annual Fun-Raiser

The 42nd-Annual Fun-Raiser truly had something for everyone this year: golf, tennis, pickleball, croquet, and a 5k run/walk event held on Sunday, March 10.
And the Winners Are:
18-Hole Golf
Card Sound
1st place: Stacy Scott, Michael Watson, Corbett Powers, Jennifer Leonard
2nd place: Karin & Dean Teglia, Cindy & Tim Brammer
Dolphin Course
1st place: Nancy & Tom Grote, Karen & Bud Copeland
2nd place: Daniel Brady, Pattie Heutel, Frank McKee, Eileen Mullray
Hammock Course
1st place: Mary & Larry Biddinger, Linda & Lee Westervelt
2nd place: Jerry Baer, Carlos Vazquez, Tim Prete, Juan Carlos Diaz
Nine-Hole Golf
1st place: Marcy Aultman, Francesca Johnson, Ken Owens, Betsy Skudder
2nd place: Drew Cunningham, Penny Cunningham, Iggy Sanchez, Laura Sanchez
Closest to the Hole
Card Sound: Jennifer Forelli & Joe Holl
Dolphin Course: Carla Wood, Don Bermant
Hammock Course: Liz Zug & Carlos Vazquez
Nine Hole: Karen DiMaura and Alan Silverman
A Flight
Top Mens: Bob Zoba
Finalist: Tony Griffin
3-Way Tie: Yalin Murdock, Tricia Griffin, Christie Zoba
B Flight
Top Mens: Alex Mason
Finalist: Jeff Schumer
Top Ladies: Turi Rodstat
Finalist: Suzanna Wylie
Ladies Pickleball
1st place: Molly Lanzon
2nd place: Currie Wooten
Mens Pickleball
1st place: John Gibson
2nd place: Charlie Simms
3-Wicket Tournament Champions: Francesca Johnson & Mike Love
Cooperative Drill Champions: Debbie Hartman & Bill Hinkebein

5K Run
First Place: Evan Ciecimirski
Second Place: Ryan Depaul
Third Place: Mike Minsch
First Place: Leslie Minsch
Second Place: Daniele Harrison
Third Place: Amanda Parker
First prize ($10,000): Jan Graybill
Second prize ($5,000): Brock Vinton
Third prize ($2,500): Maria Velez
A big thank you to everyone who supported this years’ raffle. This year’s raffle raised over $150,000!
Thank you everyone for helping to support the Medical Center!