Rainy Days are for … Pickles!
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade … but when life gives you rain, have some pickles!
Around 40 people braved a stormy Tuesday, March 19, to support the Medical Center’s Annual Fun-Raiser Tennis and Pickleball event. Inside it was cozy, the lunch was plentiful, and Tennis Pros Willie Cakans and Jim Morton made the best of it with a new way to win at tennis – and if you weren’t there to “play” – no big deal! If your name was drawn six times out of the lucky leprechaun hat or the medical kit box, you were the flight winner. (Pictured at right are Pickle Jar Prizewinner Tom Davidson Jr. with Pickleball Head Pro Michael Balcom.) And the winners were:
Flight A: Cyndee Swenson (Are you surprised, Cyndee?) and Dan Harding.
Flight B: Ginger Rettig and Dave Noyes.
First Place: Anne Marie Peretz and Jim Hassett
Many thanks to Tennis and Pickleball Chairs Janet Stevens and Barry Goldsmith.
On Wednesday, more than 200 golfers enjoyed the breezy, partly sunny day followed by a great lunch and the evening cocktail, dinner and dance party at Town Hall. The winners:
Card Sound
1st place: Vicky Carr, Polly Gleichenhaus, Ricky Fortis, Andy Timmerman.
2nd place: Katie Rossborough, Bill Rowley, Amy Joseph, Cindy Manzo.
Dolphin Course
1st place: Scott Heffner, Bill Reeves, Mike Miles, Paul Archibald.
2nd place: Bud Patterson, Ron Elenbaas, Dan Babcock, Michael Battista.
1st place: Brock Vinton, Yvonne Vinton, John McCormack, Jolaine McCormack.
2nd place: Linda Roberts, Lynne Thomson, Diane Petrosino, Shirley Shumway.
Nine Hole Golf
1st place: Phyllis Foster, Libby MacAuley, Teresa Ferrarone, Catherine Jansen.
Closest to the Hole
Card Sound: Tom Davidson Jr., Toni Vreeland.
Dolphin Course: Paul Archibald, Susan Berry.
Hammock Course: Jeff Dorsey, Yvonne Vinton.
Joe Urbinati on Card Sound #15!
Raffle Winners
Yvonne Vinton, Ted Groesbeck, Patricia Imbesi.
Congratulations to all the players, and thanks to everyone for coming out to support your Medical Center! A special thank you to Event Chairs Tim and Cindy Brammer, and Harold and Bonnie Zeigler.