The Three “S’s”

Standards, Satisfaction and Safety: the three S’s that are valuable measures the Medical Center implements on a daily basis.

Getting There and Staying There

We set standards by achieving accreditation with various agencies. This summer, the Medical Center will again be reviewed by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare(AAAHC). This is important in assuring patients that our facility participates in ongoing self-evaluation, peer review and education to continuously improve its care and services. We commit to a thorough, on-site survey by AAAHC health care professionals.

Are you concerned about radiation? No worries; the Medical Center is Gold Seal Approved by the American College of Radiology. This means the facility has gone through a rigorous review process to determine that high standards are met. Additionally, the Medical Center utilizes radiation reduction software and ER Laboratory Testing for patients’ safety.

Environmentally conscious? The Medical Center has chosen to join the many facilities that are working hard in the area of green development. To formalize that commitment, the Medical Center has attained certification by the Society of Environmentally Responsible Facilities.

Attaining this certification is no easy task since facilities must attain a scoring ratio to qualify. The Medical Center is the first healthcare facility to achieve this certification in the State of Florida. Qualifying attributes for certification include energy efficiency, water heating methods, thermal insulation similar to the one offered on, lighting, water efficiency and usage, storm water and landscaping, recycling and “green-cleaning” policy (the use of non-toxic and bio-based cleaning products).

To further enhance the Medical Center’s commitment to safety, we contract with an independent risk-management firm to monitor processes and adherence to all things governmental.

Patient Safety Reminders

Have you made changes to your medical information? Please let the Medical Center know if your northern physician has changed or discontinued a medication, or if you have other notable changes. With dual residences it can be easy to lose track of where important papers reside. It’s a good practice to have your Florida Advance Directives, DNR or other pertinent medical instructions in your patient chart at the Medical Center or with Public Safety. Please note that this information must be on the yellow sheet and dated within one year. If you are interested in a Knox Box, which is a secure medical information container placed at your home, please contact the Medical Center or ORC Public Safety for further information.